Friday, March 9, 2012

Object does not have method error in AIF - Dynamics Ax 2012

There is sometime an error prompts during processing outbound files which says - Error executing code: AxXXX class object does not have parmXXX(). This parmXXX() method may be a new calculated/unbounded method or a bounded method in AxXXXX class objects which extends AxInternalBase.

There are few things need to be performed to take this error out. It is basically a compilation problem where the method object can not be found at runtime.
First, use compile and  compile forward for all the objects pertaining to a AIF document service.
Secondly, compile forward the base class - AxInternalBase
At last, select the project node and "Generate incremental CIL".

The outbound messages can be processed now with not this type of error.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. After having this problem for months and nothing posted on the Internet fixed the problem I was determined to find the root of the problem.

    If your parmXXX method does not have a default value in the definition then the method will process fine on a client, but when it is run through a batch job it will fail with the error: 'Error executing code: AxXXX object does not have method 'parmXXX'.

    Solution: Add the default value to the method definition
    public [return type] parmXXX( _[variable name] = [default value])
    In my case the type was a string so the [default value] becomes ''

    Hope this helps others fighting this problem.

    1. Should read: (sorry it stripped out the block defined by my brackets so I had to use a different char)

      Solution: Add the default value to the method definition
      public [return type] parmXXX([return type] _[variable name] = [default value])
